Nice Vertical Sliding System

Nice Guillotine is a vertical retracting windows system which is suitable for the coverage of a building opening, especially when saving space is required.

The Nice Guillotine window is a vertically sliding, remotely controllable motion system that promises to offer you unique views of the skyline. This series aims to maximize the size and openings of modern architectural structures.

The combination of thin aluminum profile frames with glass results in the system’s surprising and unique elegance, providing maximum transparency and excellent performance. It works with an extremely simple mechanical lever logic and the electric motor that provides minimum energy consumption can be controlled by remote control.

The aluminum frames of the system provide sealing capability to the window. Nice Giyotin window profiles offer fully customizable multi-panel combinations and endless color options in all RAL colors or anodised aluminum.

Tested resistance of extensive exposure to the sun. Certified protection from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Capability of electrical motion and remote control.

Great resistance to weather conditions of rain, snow humidity and wind.

Kolay Kullanım

Kablosuz veya kablolu çalıştırma, bir düğmeye dokunarak cihazı açma.

Sistem Hareketi

Bölmeler motorlu sistem ile dikey olarak yukarı veya aşağı yönde kaydırılır ve sabit bir bölmenin arkasına toplanır.


Gizli drenajlar ve elektrik hatları.


6063 t5 aluminyum, paslanmaz çelik

Motor Özellikleri

24vdc motor (düşük voltaj) elektrik şoklarına karşı daha dirençli ilave topraklamalı bağlantı.


Qualicoat, Qualideco ve Qualanod sertifikalı boyalı, ahşap desenli ve eloksallı ürünler 10 yıl garantili.

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